Monday, September 29, 2014

How to adjust subtitle timings

Each subtitle has its start and end time. These specify when and for how long the caption appears over the video. When editing subtitles in our editor, you can simply adjust their timings either with your mouse or directly from the keyboard. First, you need to enter into the editing mode. This can be achieved by several ways:
  • double click on the subtitle caption
  • double click on the audio waveform segment
  • CTRL + click on the subtitle caption
  • CTRL + I -  to edit the currently played caption
  • TAB or SHIFT+TAB - to edit the next or previous caption
Now, as you are in the editing mode, you can change the subtitle caption and its start and end time. The currently edited subtitle is marked with a light-blue background color.
  • ALT + Left - shift caption start time by -0.1s
  • ALT + Right - shift caption start time by +0.1s
  • ALT + Up - shift caption end time by +0.1s
  • ALT + Down  - shift caption end time by -0.1s

On the left in the editor, there is an audio waveform with segments that represent duration of particular subtitles. You can easily adjust subtitle duration by holding down the mouse left button and dragging the segment borders. The audio waveform can significantly help you to define the segment beginning and end because moments with no speech/sound in the audio look like a straight line.

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